ActsIntuitively Australia is a charitable not for profit organisation launched in 2019 that was created with a strong focus on national mental health and community needs. Our company strives to be caring, innovative and transparent with a focus on delivering holistic non-discriminatory evidence-based services that are centred on the person, their journey and their strengths, instead of their limitations. We hope to help reduce the fear and stigma that surrounds mental health and create connections for people that assist in fostering a stronger more resilient community.
Our message to you is that no matter who you are everyone needs help sometimes, it's okay to not be okay and we are here to tell you, we care and you are not alone.
Our services are oriented around understanding that everyone is an individual and we tailor our services to your needs.
We focus on addressing barriers that prevent, inhibit or deter people from accessing community and mental health services or getting the help they need.
We are ActsIntuitively Australia Limited (AIAus) and we are here to help.
ActsIntuitively Australia focuses on delivering services that overcome barriers with regards to community and mental health arenas.
This requires us to look at issues from the perspective of major cities, remote areas, communities, cultures and other diversity needs.
In our pursuit to overcome barriers we have come to recognise key factors that prevents, inhibits or deters individuals from seeking assistance at a national level.
One in particular has for a number of years helped create a stigma which impacts on all demographics and is driven from the fear of negative impacts.
Essentially, the need for Mental Health Care Plans required to access services through Medicare and the storage of data on "My Health Record" has contributed.
Our research has identified them as a source for exploitation by insurers for claims and by employers as part of recruitment or advancement considerations.
The reality is that you cannot address the stigma barrier if you do not address the contributing drivers, hence why we are approaching this differently.
We acknowledge that people who reside in rural and regional areas often experience challenges in accessing appropriate mental health and community services.
Accessibility is one of the key indicators in measuring the effectiveness of services and is a factor in reducing the severity of mental health and community issues.
It has become a greater expectation that technology will help bridge the gap with this issue but has not demonstrated a significant reduction in key issue areas.
ActsIntuitively Australia recognises this gap and has structured programs to tackle this accessibility and deliver programs in a more sustainable manner.
Tackling mental health and community issues is not a simple task as is evident by the billions of dollars invested to deal with selected social concerns.
We acknowledge this and have adapted our programs and services to integrate preventative, proactive and intervention responses.
Prevention is a key factor in helping to reduce the growth of an issue by addressing drivers and contributing factors, as well as including community involvement.
Our Proactive programs seek to identify people or services which can engage with individuals who are vulnerable and support them early.
Intervention programs seek to intervene and address issues that involve people or community at a crisis point which generally address the most severe scenarios.
This combined approach creates an environment for sustainable solutions and deals with the issue spectrum rather than responding just to the metaphorical fire.
Our services will be structured to collect anonymous data with the intent of supporting research to improve service identification and delivery nation-wide.
We feel this is necessary in helping our community, clients, government and research institutions understand where help is needed and reduce intervention responses.
ActsIntuitively Australia has tailored services which we hope to fund in the mental health and community services arena.
Our program offerings include:
- Counselling
- Cultural
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Education
- Employment Support
- Grief and Loss
- Justice and Rehabilitation
- LGBTIQ+ Support
- Mentoring
- Peer Support
- Supporting Families
- Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Abuse
- Technology Assisted Domestic Abuse
- Wellness and Social Support
- Youth
If you would like further information of any our programs, please contact us for more details.